Friday, December 9, 2011

I wasn't gonna leave the house today...

but I just ran out of chocolate.

And it's finals week.

You do the math.


Since Thanksgiving, there hasn't been too much excitement.

We had an OT bake sale.

I made chocolate chip cookies.

They involved these ingredients:

Half had the pb M&M's and half had an oreo hidden inside.

I didn't combine the two.

It would have been too much for one man.

Doesn't that look good enough to make ya cry?

Please don't.

I sent all the cookies to the bake sale.

Except the half eaten oreo one above.

But I regret this.

Because as I mentioned above, I just ran out of chocolate.

And these cookies would be nice right about now.


The only other recent cause for excitement is that we had an OT Christmas party last weekend.

But I don't have any photos of the fun!

I forget to document a lot.

But don't give up hope.

I do have pictures of my hair from that night.

You see. I don't have a small hand mirror. Well, I did, but I lost it. Or it might just be in the in-between-the-car-seats-console-thing in my car. It's hard to say. But a small hand mirror is quite needed, especially when one needs to check that the back of their hair it isn't too spastic. But when one isn't available, you gotta do what you gotta do to make sure none of your bobby pins are looking like weirdos.

Here is about a third of my attempts to determine my bobby pin situation:

This last one finally convinced me that all bobby pins were appropriately and adequately placed.


And now, after all that excitement, class is over!

And finals week is here, which means all I get to do this weekend is study.

But on the plus side, I get to stay in my pjs and eat chocolate like a fool.

And my parents are super sweet. And have been sending me care packages.

One included this monkey.

He sings and dances, and I'm in love.

They also included Christmasy kitchen towels, santa socks, mentos, chocolate, and gum.

The mentos and chocolate are gone as of 2:00 this afternoon.

The gum is not far behind.

And this is why I am now weighing my options.

Changing out of pjs to go to the store?

Or attempting to study in a chocolateless home?

I'll keep you updated.


  1. i just love you.

    I think you are EXTRA hilarious at finals time. I just sat in amazement as you devoured pack after pack of gum, bread, peanut butter, and chocolate!!!!!!!! BAHAHA!!!

    I ADORE your small mirror rig (camera) attempts. oh dear... i miss living together.. FUN TIMES!

    i love you. do good on finals!! Go buy some more chocolate AND GUM!!! I know you will die if you don't!

  2. I love this.

    I have a third option. Stay in your pjs to go to the store and buy chocolate. Then eat the chocolate in your pjs at back at home. Done. Problem solved. Unless your pjs are scandalous that is...

    Wish I could be there to eat chocolate in pjs with you while you study. Good luck on those finaly finals dear friend!

  3. This is perfect!!! I didn't leave my apartment from friday at 1 pm until this morning at 7! Oh Finalssss... how I don't love thee
